You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
I have breast cancer. I am at the process of final diagnosis before treatment. It is very stressful. I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. I have been told the cancer might be in 2 other locations too. I know there is nothing imposible for God but the enemy attacks me and I need prayers for peace and strength.
Received: November 6, 2023
Please pray for my son and his relationship, for God's wisdom and discernment towards big choices and decisions for his life.
Thank you.
Received: September 28, 2023
Healing for my heart from pvc palpitations. Healing for my heart physically emotionally and spiritually
Received: September 25, 2023
Lillian H
My oldest daughter, Tonya, is experiencing some medical issues that are causing much pain and financial hardship.
Received: September 24, 2023
jodi carlson
Please pray for a three month old baby girl named Cedar. She suffered several severe infections and is now having seizures and is fairly non responsive. The doctors don't know why, medications don't seem to be helping. Her parents are believers with four boys under age six. Pray for healing, strength for family, wisdom for doctors. thank you
Received: September 11, 2023
Or family was already worn down by my mother's death, then the putting to sleep of our dog and the covid stress through 2020-2022. Then my husband had a bad stroke back in December 2022 and the rug felt completely ripped out from under our family. My father now has dementia, and I have chronic health issues. Now being the caregiver for all of us is too much. I live by faith to the best of my ability but I'm still also just human. Thank you for prayers.
Received: September 11, 2023
Hey all, please pray for my coworker Kathy’s mom…
She lives in St. Louis and fell this am, shattered her pelvis, broke multiple ribs and parts of her spine. It’s really bad. Her lungs have collapsed and she’s being life flighted to a trauma center.
Received: September 8, 2023
Please pray for my sister Tatyana she has stage 4 rare form of cancer.
Believing for God's miraculous healing in Jesus's name
Thank you!
Received: September 2, 2023
We need jobs to come in so that we can keep the families we have employed employed.
We’ve taken risky steps building a new building and chosen to care for the team. I believe this is just resistance in high places. I know God is our provider and am trusting him to Jevovah Jireh as He ALWAYS has. We’ve been fighting for our team. Believe with me for these guys salvation and provision.