You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
Alex, 21 years old diagnosed w small cell osteosarcoma. So much pain before chemo treatments started. Intractable hiccups from chemo treatments racking the entire body. 9 months of chemo w limb salvage surgery on the road ahead.
Received: August 26, 2018
Hi there I have been struggling with rejection and not belonging. I have no family at all,I grew up in so much abuse and dysfunction it just seems to always take me down no matter what I do its always there . Its so hard to believe that I deserve love and respect .
I try but never succeed , This is not easy as I'm not sure if you understand how hard this is ,and the struggle I live with almost every day. I have been told I don't matter and I'm hated and this was from a Christian , I hide myself and my heart and find that I can t tell people or they will judge me by saying I have not enough faith.
I lived with 2 room mates for 5 years and moved this past May those 5 so moving was really hard for me because it was like rejection but she said we will be still good friends but she does not talk to me at things trigger this I do suffer with ptsd because of my child hood this is not easy ay all .I want to know the true meaning of the love from God but its just not there.I have seen so much violence as a child even as a adult . I need a change
Received: August 25, 2018
Joyce Harper has defeated cancer once but has receive news that her second battle has begun. Only this time it seems to be inoperable and aggressive. Pray for His grace, comfort and strength over her and for TOTAL healing from this nasty disease. In her own words “Praying for a miracle. Praying for Gods plan. He is still in the miracle business.”
Received: August 24, 2018
Just want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for the young couple pregnant with twin girls and ask for continued prayers for them .... The prayers are working!! Found out today both girls are growing well Peyton the one Dr. said would not make it is 2lbs and 8oz with a heart beat of 150. Zoey is 2lbs 6 oz with a heart beat 148. Please keep flooding the gates with your prayers. Thank you and God Bless
Received: August 24, 2018
My family suffered a great loss with a house fire 16 months ago. We have had nothing but battles with Meemic Insurance. We finally had a victory with the replacement cost of our house but later to find out that this same insurance company will not insure the building of the new house due to our pole barn and the fact we were forced to go back to our property and live in a trailer and use a portajohn because they refuse to extend our rent. I need prayer warriors on this to agree with my family and for divine intervention and favor!! In Jesus name!
Received: August 23, 2018
Please - urgent prayer needed. My frievd Sarah -age 29- mother of 3...has terminal cancer. Drs have said there's nothing they can do and it's a limited time left. She's to get married Sunday - can you join me in praying a miraculous healing from the Lord? Healing Lord
Received: August 23, 2018
Please send prayers of God’s healing power to my friend, Sydney, who has been admitted to the ICU for kidney issues. Thank you and God bless
Received: August 20, 2018
dena-antoinette chisholm
absolute, complete, total cure & healing; for the 6 siblings left of 11 children: fannie m., juan l., catalina, florentina,, Roberto, Roberta ; PRAY THE TRINITY WILL GIFT-GRACE-GRANT them the strongholds broken on the generational curse; of demonic-satanic cancers, illness', sickness';
Received: August 19, 2018
My good friend from work mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She has some more testing and a biopsy scheduled within the next week. She is weak and needs prayers to help strengthen her body to be able to go through the necessary tests