You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
Please pray for my son, Emmett, 3 yrs old. On April 19th, he'll be undergoing his 3rd open heart surgery. Pray that the Lord will be there to guide the surgeons hands, for the best possible outcome, and that his recovery will be successful. Pray that there would be no complications and no future complications that would come from this surgery.
Received: April 18, 2018
Please pray for one of our customers, Mr. Johnson. He has had two eye surgeries and if his eyes don’t get better my June, (they bleed) they will have to remove his eyes. I told him that Jesus can heal him. He’s the sweetest little man and he’s so scared what the report will be in June.
Received: April 18, 2018
I was recently thrown out from my apartment I rented. And as I am living in Denmark, here it is very difficult to find a place to rent. I am looking for 2 room apartment for rent together with other christian friend, the place we can afford.
I really need prayer for that.
Thank you so much !
Received: April 17, 2018
I have been dealing with pain in my neck that goes up through my head (kind of like a headache), especially with certain movement, for the second time this week. Please agree with me this pain leaves and never returns in Jesus name!!!
PS y’all prayed for me regarding stomach issues and they are gone!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!
Received: April 14, 2018
I am 46. I had chemo 5 yrs ago. That led to transient memory loss (some sight, hearing etc), now it’s turned into early onset dementia. The other night was not the first time I got lost and couldn’t remember my way home. I’m terrified
Received: April 14, 2018
Beth Ann Adams
I know people are praying for me so I just wanted to update everyone on my foot infection. My infection marker went from a 65 in the hospital to a 38 this week! Please continue to pray that this goes down. I still do have a wound vac attached to my foot, so please continue to keep praying that all goes well there also. The infusion medicine still makes me very sick at times, and I am trying to keep working as lots of medical bills are coming in from 3 surgeries. I am thankful for the prayers and will still continue to pray for complete restoration whether that comes little by little or God does the miraculous immediately. Thank you!
Received: April 12, 2018
Please pray for my Grandson. He is depressed and has been cutting for over a year. He is going to counseling and has not cut for a month. We love him very much and pray for God to wrap him in his loving arms and give him the strength he needs to fight this demon.....
Received: April 10, 2018
I'm suffering from skin itching from last three years. Please heal me.
Received: April 10, 2018
We met a family in ICU, Cindy was telling us that Virginia, her mother-in-law, has stomach cancer and a bleeding ulcer. She starts chemo tomorrow. Please pray for miraculous healing for Virginia and all fear to leave this family. Cindy is a believer.
Received: April 10, 2018
tse clauvis chi muma
Please pray for me to regain my faith and for divine protection for me and my family