You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
Please pray the promises of God.for the Williams, thank You Jesus ,Wilson and and the Jackson we speak a aunt Ed
Received: August 29, 2021
My father got Covid and went to the hospital last week. Turns out he also got bacterial pneumonia from the covid. They have had him hooked up to oxygen trying to get him off the oxygen but just having trouble with it. He was taken to the ICU yesterday and got put on a ventilator last night.
I’d appreciate prayers for him and also for me and my family going through this.
Thank you so much!
Received: August 26, 2021
My daughter, Gretchen needs prayers for a Connective tissue disorder. Many physical, emotional, mental, neurological symptoms needs healed. Please pray that she will accept help. She is only 22 years old and needs Christ as her Savior. God bless you all!!
Received: August 20, 2021
Please pray for my daughter Stacy who is going through a very crucial time with her health regarding an abscess of her gallbladder infected which is a very serious life and death situation..She needs a lot of prayers.. a lot of healing prayers
Received: August 19, 2021
Kylee Kaska
Beau Quintana is my cousins 2 year old that is overcoming cancer. Elizabeth and Alex are bringing him home from st Jude where they have lived for the past 5 months. Chemo didn’t work and they were told he has a few months to live. The doctor said that he has tumors along his spine and one that’s bigger than an orange. Praying for a miracle that only Jesus can do through this little boy! That those tumors shrivel to nothing and that beau lives a full life!
Received: August 17, 2021
Please pray for me I’m going through a lot mentally and medically not exactly sure what is actually going on with me but I need lots of prayers and healing prayers please.
Received: August 10, 2021
Father, Your Word is true and I believe it. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that the Word of God prevails over Kelsey. Your Word says that You will pour out Your Spirit and blessings upon Kelsey. I believe and say that Kelsey is wise and that she will heed to the fruit of godly instruction and correction. So, I commit Kelsey into Your keeping, in Jesus’ Name.”
Received: August 3, 2021
Been suffering from pelvic pain and nerve pain, which affects my sleep every single night. Some nights i woke up hourly and impact on my life is tremendous. Pray that God will mercifully heal me and restore my health.
Received: July 31, 2021
Please pray for my daughter Juanita Lopez. She is pregnant and has tested positive for covid today. Please pray for my grandson he is 2 and also his dad and his aunt who all live in the same household. Please pray for everyone they have came in contact with as well. Thank you.
Received: July 31, 2021
Brennan Hopper
Please pray that my family is restored. My grandpa is unable to move, speak or think. My grandma on my Dad's side can't walk and has smoking damage. My Grandma on my Mom's side hasn't talked to us in 20 years. My Mom has diabetes and neuropathy. My Dad needs more opportunity to make money besides salary from his job to provide for us. And I am getting fatter by the day. Please help us. I have no fellowship and am the only believer in my family.