You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
Praying my blood pressure and cholesterol level will return to normal. In Jesus name. Amen.
Received: January 10, 2023
Please pray for my son and his family. They are going through some very difficult and hurtful times.
Received: January 3, 2023
Sammy Lortz
A young 3 year old boy from our church in Greenville, SC is currently hospitalized due to his kidneys. We are praying for his healing and God’s mighty love to comfort his family. Thank you!
Received: December 6, 2022
My 66 father was in a dual truck collison of some icey roads today. His name is Eric. The impact caused head trauma that has lead to bleeding and swelling of the brain. He is sedated and intubated. Please pray for a miraclous healing and that specifically he shows signs of response and reduces swelling within the next 24hrs. Pray his body responds to the medicine & stints being put in. Pray the resurrection power of Jesus touches and heals and restores his body. Please also pray for my mother as she is recovering from knee surgery and needs care herself. This is really difficult for her to manage this tragedy physically, financially, and emotionally. My dad knows who Jesus is, but I praying for him to come back with radical faith and a testimony to use for Gods Glory!!!
Received: November 16, 2022
Our 34 year old daughter is scheduled for breast cancer surgery this Tuesday Nov 15th. at Mayo. We are praying for her complete healing. Preferably with no surgery needed. She been doing the Lord’s work overseas for 4 years and longs to get back on the field. Thank you for your prayers much appreciated.
Received: November 13, 2022
Please pray that my daughter Shannon is completely healed of drug addiction and restore her children back to her and help her to love herself and others again especially her family and loved ones and to love Jesus most of all
Received: October 23, 2022
Jackie brown
Agree with me that I AM healed from lung disease....scarring of lungs. That my O2 level is normal and that my lung function is normal including with when walking etc
Pray that my healing will totally be manifested and I can get back to ministry.
Received: October 17, 2022
Continued prayer request that i may receive physical healing and restoration of my eyes and vision and also praying for spiritual strength also
Thank you kindly