You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. And remember, take a moment to consider the other requests and click "I Prayed for This" after praying & believing for someone else ... let's do this together!
Please help me sell our condo quickly, we cannot afford it any longer, and it's killing me inside, we need to move to a smaller unit quickly, please help, I cannot take this pressure any longer, I am 71 years and too much for me to handle with so many other issues that I have, thank you
Received: March 17, 2022
Dorothy E. Hooks
Hi, I am a disabled Veteran and was injured in the Military, a long time ago. I have chronic pain in my neck, back, hips, knees, that goes into my legs. I also was diagnosed with celiac disease, autoimmune disease, and PTSD!! I believe Jesus has already healed me - I speak to my body, and soul, to lineup with my spirit!! The pain, stiffness in my muscles, and ALL other diagnosis, MUST bow at the Name of Jesus!! I am asking you all to stand with me, commanding that ALL pain, and EVERYTHING else that comes to steal, kill, and destroy from me, GO IN JESUS' NAME AND NEVER RETURN!! I am NOT the sick trying to get well, but the well fighting the good fight of faith, to keep my healing AND restoration, Jesus gave me over 2000 years ago!! I agree with you all for your COMPLETE healing, health, and restoration, in your soul, body, life, wherever you need it, in Jesus' Name!! Thank you all!! God's BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!
Received: March 12, 2022
Please pray for my son Matthew, he’s walking down a path of destruction, there’s no life in the path he’s walking. Please pray God will intervene and Matthew will have one encounter with God that will change everything. Pray God will tear away the veil, open his spiritually blind eyes, open the eyes of his heart, remove the heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. Pray God will expedite the answers and act swiftly. Please also pray that his wife and kids will be comforted by the love, peace and joy of Jesus.
Received: March 9, 2022
Kenny O'Hara
Continued prayer request for physical healing and restoration of my eyes and vision and spiritual strength also
Received: March 8, 2022
Please pray that I do not have cancer. I have follow up tests this week to see what is wrong. Thanks!
Received: March 7, 2022
I am suffering. I have been a victim of narcissistic abuse and I cannot get out. I have lost my friends. I have lost my family. I have lost my job as a trauma RN. I have lost my home. And most importantly, I have lost my child. I always used to wonder why women in abusive relationships never leave. And now I know. I feel trapped. I feel suffocated. And I honestly feel like giving up. I am so desperate. My abuser shows so many signs of having the ability to get better. And I pray that we both can. I pray for healing. Please help me.
Received: March 7, 2022
Caleb Allen
If you all will be in prayer today for my good friend, Samuel, and his family today, I would greatly appreciate it!!
Today at 11am EST Samuel is having surgery.
Samuel had a long high risk surgery 10+ years ago to have a brain tumor mostly removed. The tumor has grown more and is why he is needing the surgery again this morning. This is a high risk surgery due to the tumor being around one of the main blood vessels in the brain.
He is truly one of the best guys I know, from an amazing family! I know they will appreciate any prayers or support you can send their way.
Thanks in Advance!
Received: March 3, 2022
Lori W
I have several chronic health conditions that have flared up & cause a lot of extreme pain. I’d appreciate prayers that this pain would resolve & be gone in Jesus Name.
Received: March 1, 2022
Kelly moore
My oldest daughter was in a bad wreck which broke her left hip/pelvic socket she has had surgery and just needs lots of prayer's for a speedy recovery so she can get back to her 3 precious boys