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I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Dear Lord,

It has been a month since he walked out the door, and I continue to pray to you for reconciliation, and for the miracle of a second chance. I believe everyone in life makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

My love for him was unconditional, He always stood by through thick and thin. Lord do not let us stray. I believe it was my fault for not taking our relationship seriously Almighty God, restore his faith in us, in unconditional love

Lord, soften his stubborness and his pride, surround him with those who offer loving advice and dear Lord, reunite us. Give us a chance to continue on the journey that we started. Take away his temptations, take away ill-advices, fill his heart with the goodness of what once was. Lord, in you I trust, and to you I pray everyday. Lord, hear and answer my prayer.

Almighty God, while people can be stubborn you are the powerful one, reach out to us today, reunite not only my relationship but those relationship that are crying for help here.


Received: August 5, 2019

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