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I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Ive been suffering with an unknown illness that my doctors think is from prolonged stress and trauma. I feel very ill, fatigue, w/body aches and muscle stiffness, and shortness of breath daily. My muscles dont relax anymore so I cant sleep at all! I only sleep 2 hours or less before my breathing becomes and issue. I’m in so much pain 🙁 I have been diagnosed also with ibs. I feel so nauseous daily, extreme brain fog, dizziness, loud ringing in my ears, and worst of all I’ve lost the ability to sweat/detoxify so it has made me unable to move around much because otherwise I overheat easily and come close to fainting constantly.

All of my spine and joints and muscles are so sore, and especially my neck is so stiff after a recent injury that has made all of these symptoms worsen because it makes me feel dizzy/unsteady...i have several discs bulging and deviation in all of my cervical spine and they suspect the same for my thoracic and lumbar and I’ll be getting more diagnostics done soon. I feel so stiff and rigid, and I’m so scared. i feel my body shutting down, and my blood circulation is so poor now that my heart and other vital organs are now being affected too, but the doctors can’t figure it out. This taking a toll on every aspect of my life, and I’m very depressed and feeling hopeless. On top of this I’ve been diagnosed with severe insomnia, anxiety disorder, complex ptsd and depression. I need help, please! I am so fearful and worried and so is my poor family 🙁 I do t want to die, I am very you g and I want to be able to take care of my parents when they are old.

Received: November 26, 2019

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