By: Courtney Weedman
Spring is such a beautiful time of year. It’s a season of new beginnings and new life. Funnily enough, it’s also the time we like to add new life to our family. All four of our children have spring birthdays. We added our fourth baby, a little boy, to our family in March. We are so incredibly blessed with each and every one of our four little gifts from God.
While this season of fresh starts and new beginnings is most definitely a beautiful time in my life, it can also be overwhelming and tiring. From the sleep deprivation, recovering my own health, trying to figure out a new routine, learning a new baby’s personality and forms of communication, keeping up with the home, the homeschooling (in our case), spending time with the other children, and all the other things that come with being a wife and a mother … it’s a lot! To be honest, I end most days feeling completely depleted emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I say all that, not so you will feel sorry for me, but so you will truly understand that these next words I have to say are not from someone who has it all together. They’re not from someone who’s looking back, with nostalgia, on those days when their sweet babies were little. They’re words from a mom who’s in the trenches. A mom who loves so deeply, but still feels weary. And if you’re like me … a new mom, or even an experienced mom … these words are for you:
You are more than enough for your family. God sees you. You are not forgotten or overlooked. You are perfectly placed as the mother of your children for such a time as this.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9
Don’t give up Mama. Keep trusting in God. Keep pouring your heart out to him. Allow him to be your hiding place, your strength and your shield. And he will fill you with joy! It’s okay to feel weak, because that’s when He can show Himself STRONG!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
God, bless this sweet Mama who’s reading these words right now. Fill her with joy, peace, and supernatural rest. Let your grace rest on her so that she has exactly what her children need in that moment. Let her see your hand working in her life and the lives of her family. Anxiety, sadness, worry, depression, exhaustion … you have no place here. You have no right to speak your lies to this Mama. Be silent. And God fill her ears with your promises. Bring to her mind every promise that she has read in Your Word. And give her the strength to combat the lies of the enemy and to fight for her children. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Be blessed, sweet Mama.