By: Muffie Kruse: Registered dietitian and Wellness Coach
Most of us know that our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and that water is good for our health. But do you know why water is so important to our health? Well (no pun intended), foremost, without it, we wouldn’t live! Water is essential to our physical living just as Jesus is essential to our spiritual living. The Bible often uses water as symbolizing of faith, salvation, and provision.
“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14 (NIV)
Did you know that your blood is 90% water? Water gives blood its ability to flow, and blood delivers oxygen throughout the body. Life is indeed in the blood, and therefore it is also in water! Water has numerous critical functions; it plays a role in removing wastes and toxins from our body, it’s necessary for a healthy metabolism, it helps transport nutrients throughout the body, it lubricates and cushions the joints, it’s highly involved in regulating blood pressure and body temperature, it can help maintain a healthy weight, and it reduces the risk of cavities and kidney stones. Mild dehydration can even drain energy levels and diminish your ability to think and reason. Furthermore, dehydrated skin is more prone to wrinkling (want to look younger? Simply drink more water!).
And for you singers, speakers, and musicians out there, when you are dehydrated, your airways are restricted by the body in an effort to minimize water loss. No wonder you get thirsty during that performance!
Since March is National Nutrition Month, one of the challenges we have for you is: Drink a minimum of 64 ounces (8 cups) of water each day!
Tips on Staying Hydrated:
• Drink 1 cup of water after every restroom break.
• Drink 1 cup of water before every meal.
• When on long road trips, drink 1-2 cups of water 20-30 minutes before a rest stop.
• Keep a bottle of water in each of your vehicles, in your purse or backpack, and in several rooms in your home as well as in your office.
• Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water! Carry a water bottle with you as much as possible to make it more convenient to drink water throughout the day.
• Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger; drink 1 cup of water when you feel a traceof hunger, and if you’re still hungry 15 minutes afterward, then eat!
• Use an app to track your intake and set reminders. My favorite free app is: “Daily Water – Drink
Stay hydrated with my infused water recipes. One for the colder months and one for warmer days.
Winter Refresher: Fresh Ginger-Mint Infused Water
Makes 1 pitcher (8-cup serving for meeting your daily water goal!).
*note: be sure to wash all fruit & veggies before slicing them into water!
8 cups drinking water
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, thinly sliced
1 lemon, sliced thin but not peeled
12 mint leaves
1. Mix all ingredients together in a pitcher. If you have a water infuser pitcher, place ginger, cucumber, lemon, and mint leaves inside the infuser. Pour the water into the pitcher and insert the infuser.
2. Place pitcher in the refrigerator and chill overnight or for 4-6 hours.
3. Strain water (or simply pour out the water from an infuser pitcher).
4. Drink all 8 cups throughout the day!
Summer Refresher: Watermelon, Kiwi & Lime Infused Water
Makes 1 pitcher (8-cup serving for meeting your daily water goal!).
8 cups drinking water
1 cup ice cubes (optional)
2 cups watermelon cubes
1 kiwi, sliced
1 lime, sliced
1. Mix all ingredients together in a pitcher. If you have a water infuser pitcher, place watermelon, kiwi, and lime inside the infuser. Pour the water and ice cubes into the pitcher and insert the infuser.
2. Place pitcher in the refrigerator and chill overnight or for 4-6 hours.
3. Strain water (or simply pour out the water from an infuser pitcher).
4. Drink all 8 cups throughout the day!